

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Birthday #1

Mike and I both celebrate our birthdays in February, which is a great way to liven up what could otherwise be kind of a dreary month.  Mine is first and even though we were pretty busy, we made time for some cake and presents!  My amazing friend, Janet, made me my most favorite kind of cake, homemade german chocolate cake, which was perfect and delicious.  Look at all of those beautiful layers!!  So delicious!

All of that fire seems to be making K-Man a little uneasy!

My amazing lung capacity allowed me to blow out all of the candles in one shot... That means I get my wish, right??

Don't mind the smoky haze

"I love cake, what can I say?"

Mmmmm!  I could seriously eat a bowl of just the frosting!  I'm not kidding.

K-Man thought the balloons Mike sent me were pretty fun

Card from Mom and Dad

Birthday flowers from my awesome husband

Checking out my super-fantastic gift from Mike and K-Man... a UV nail light!!  My sister is a nail tech and she gives me fun Shellac fingers and glitter gel toes every time I get to hang out with her, but I don't see her enough to keep my nails looking good all the time.  So now I can do my nails for myself since I have this light!  They probably won't look quite as professional as when Amber does them for me, but I am so excited!!  Mike is such a good present-buyer.