

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cousin Time!!

I went with Mike to some meetings he had for work in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago, and K-Man got to go hang out with his cousins for four whole days!!  I think he thought he was in heaven.  His cousin, Zak, is one of his favorite people in the world.  Here are some pictures from his time in Washington with his cousins.

He won't eat Ritz crackers at home, but if Zak is sharing them with him, he's all about it!

It's so hard being a kid sometimes.  Such a sad face... so why does it make me chuckle to myself?

Zak's frosting/cookie ratio is just about right

So sad!  Maybe he should eat another cookie?

Ahh, there we go.  That's much better!

Frosting face!!

He finally realized how much fun it was to be hanging out with a bunch of kids and decorating cookies

Cousin Zak didn't realize he had his coat on upside-down.  Haha!!

Cousin time!!

He's not used to playing so hard all day long, so by day three he fell asleep on the couch way before his normal nap time.  Sleeping kids are so adorable!