How awesome is it that St. Louis's zoo is completely free?! And it is a really good zoo, too! We hadn't taken K-Man to a zoo yet, but he likes his animal books and is starting to master his animal sounds a little bit, so we just weren't really sure if he would be interested. He had so much fun, though, which translated into us having a lot of fun, too.
It was a cool, overcast day, so a lot of the animals were out and about.
Checking out the black bears. This was the first exhibit we looked at and there were two bears chasing each other around. It was really cool.
Uncle Parker has always loved penguins, so this is his favorite exhibit at the zoo. It really is probably the coolest penguin exhibit I've ever seen. They are just right there in the open, which was awesome.
Until the carousel started moving. Then because we were getting on and off the animals they emergency stopped the carousel (apparently getting on and off is against the rules). Yeah. Pretty embarrassing, lol!
Had to include this picture. Here we are in the butterfly house. Harmless, right? Wrong. Emily is terrified of the butterflies and freaks out anytime one flutters by her. Is it bad that we all thought it was funny?
There's this weird, fake, dead antelope hanging from a tree in the Africa exhibit. It has fake blood and everything!