So, backing up a few hours... While we were waiting for the turkey to cook, we headed over to the Bass Pro-Shop because they had free pictures with Santa and they were open on Thanksgiving day. Little did we know that they had much, MUCH more than just pictures with Santa! It was so awesome! And there was nobody there because of the holiday, so we got to play and play. And the extra cool thing is that EVERYTHING was free! Can't beat that!
Carousel ride #2 (see the post about the St. Louis Zoo) went much smoother!
Look! No tears!
A cute one of Uncle Parker and Cousins Emily and Abby
The fam
K-Man enjoying his candy cane from Santa, and me enjoying two of my favorite kids in the world
Who knew they made a pink Red Ryder BB Gun?
Daddy showing K-Man how to shoot
A fun racetrack. Emily was pretty good at this one.
K-Man checking out the trains
Emily and K-Man writing letters to Santa
Hard at work
Group picture. Do we look hungry? We are about to go home and eat our Thanksgiving feast!
Parker teaching Emily some bow-hunting skills a la Napoleon Dynamite
Camper Emily