

Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy birthday!

I'm so excited that Mike suggested that I write this blog entry. I almost feel like a guest blogger here, since Mike has been the one who has written most of the recent blog posts (and I always love reading his posts).  So you get to hear about the whole month of February from my perspective.

I've always really liked February because my birthday's in February.  So imagine how excited I was when I married Mike and his birthday is also in February.  It is pretty fantastic.  Side note:  In case you were wondering, I'm nine days older than he is, which I totally love.  I always tell him that being older also makes me wiser.

My boys pulled through, like they do every year, and made my birthday very special.  First, since Mike had to be to work really early, K-Man and Bear decided that we should head to the grocery story first thing in the morning to buy some breakfast donuts.  We got to Safeway and they hopped into their "car" and "drove" me right to the donut aisle.  *I know, it doesn't really look like we're on the donut aisle, but I swear that's the donut case shining behind the cart!  :)

As we were walking out to our car after purchasing our donuts, I got my next birthday present... It was starting to snow!  I LOVE the snow, and since we live on the Oregon Coast, we don't usually get very much snow, which kind of makes me sad.  But, apparently Mother Nature was excited about my birthday, too, and wanted to hook me up.  So it snowed.  And snowed. And just kept snowing!

Our back yard looked like this... I felt like I was back in Idaho or Colorado:

And two days later, our street still looked like this:

Here are some gratuitous fun-in-the-snow pictures for you:

And even though the snow delayed my extra-special birthday dinner that Mike had so carefully planned, we were able to have it the following week, which happened to coincide with Mike's birthday AND Valentine's Day, so it all worked out pretty well.  He took me to dinner at EVOO, which is a cooking school in Cannon Beach and it was so much fun! Here's a picture of the massive desserts we had (after eating three entrees apiece!!--Hey it was our birthdays, right?)

And one last birthday picture for you.  The boys kindly helping me blow out the candles on my cake.

I hope you've all had as wonderful a February as we have!  Coming soon: a post on our Valentine's Day love-fest!