

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas Eve

We were able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Mike's parents' house, which was a lot of fun!  K-Man had a good time seeing Abuelo and Abuelita (what he calls Mike's parents), and getting to play with his cousins.  

K-Man with Abuelita and her kitty

Abuelo reading "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" while we pass around the white elephant gifts.  This is an annual Christmas Eve tradition at Mike's house.

Daddy helping K-Man figure out his toy from the white elephant exchange


He thought the lint brush Amy got for her white elephant was actually a hair brush, haha!

Mike checking out his cool new flashlight for hiking that doesn't need batteries

Merry Christmas Eve!

Opening his Christmas Eve pajamas, which is a Christmas tradition in Amy's family

We're pretty sure he had more fun with Abuelo and the box that his pajamas came in than he did with his actual pajamas

Ready to go to bed so Santa can come visit